About triploid oysters (seedlings)

About triploid oysters (seedlings)

Like many organisms, including humans, oysters are diploid organisms with two sets of chromosomes. They produce fertilized spawns with two sets of chromosomes, one for each male and one for the female. Depending on their chromosomes, they grow as males and females, and when they reach maturity, they lay spawns again. It repeats.
The Hiroshima Prefectural Fisheries and Marine Technology Center has developed a “triploid oyster” breed improved through research. The oyster does not become a mature male or female by having three sets of chromosomes, leaving one set that should be lost from the fertilized spawn after the spawns (two sets) are fertilized (one set). Because they can’t make spawns well, they don’t lose nutrients by spawning, and they grow delicious even in the summer when oysters spawn.

About Single Seed Farming

About Single Seed Farming

At the end of the larval stage of floating life, 1.5 to 20 mm oyster spats are attached to finely crushed oyster shells and farm one by one in a special basket.
Because the basket is rambled by the power of the waves, the oysters inside maintain a clean and beautiful shell surface with few adhered substances on the surface of the shell, grow into an ideal deep cup shell shape. In addition, by scraping the surface of the shell, the nutrients used for the shell are also used in the oyster meat, making the meat bigger.
In addition, since the phytoplankton spreads evenly around the oysters, the oysters grow with little variation in size, greatly improving the work efficiency of production.